Open C – 2 Octave Ascending
Playing guitar scales into the 2nd octave, such as C Major, can add a bit of a challenge. You really need to watch the B string as everything shifts a bit. Also some scales will require you to move up the fretboard on the E string to get the full 2 octaves. Use this lesson to start moving up the guitar neck and get some practice playing to a metronome or backing track found at You will notice that the C major is a really happy sort of scale. Its also the reference for all other scales really as it has no sharps or flats. This is basically the white keys on the piano. It will become a common practice to play scales ascending and descending in future lessons so have a go at it here too –
Backing Track – C, Em, G progression
Use the tips of your fingers
Start with your 3rd finger
Push down hard
Level 2 Progress
Play through scale 5 times correctly at any speed
Play through scale as fast as you can with no mistakes
Play through scale while the backing track is playing
Play through scale using your 2nd and 3rd fingers
Play through the scale in 8th notes at 100 BPM