Open A Minor Scale Descending

This lesson looks at the difference between ascending scales and descending scales on guitar. When descending a scale the pitch of the notes gets lower each time which gives a really satisfying sinking feeling in music. Try playing this over a backing track to get an idea of what a descending scale can do to the feel of a song. When practicing scales on guitar you should try to balance between playing them in both ascending and descending patterns. Pair this lesson with the ascending open A minor scale guitar lesson found at Once you have the pattern down try practicing this scale to a metronome to get even timing of your notes.

  • Use the tips of your fingers

  • Push down in between the frets

  • Push down hard

Level 1 Progress             

Play through scale 5 times correctly at any speed

Play through scale slowly but evenly – each note in time

Play through scale while the backing track is playing

Play through scale faster and faster

Find a song in A minor and play the scale over it