Open E Minor Chord
The open E minor chord is one of the first chords everyone should learn on guitar along with the A minor. Its an easy chord to get your hand around and sounds great as you strum all the strings at once. This is a great beginner chord for new guitarists and fits in the key of C major making it easy to work with (no sharps or flats). This lesson is a quick one that gives you the E minor chord in a few easy steps and gets you strumming. This goes well with the A minor chord lesson found and links to some strumming technique here –
Backing Track – A minor to E minor
Use the tips of your fingers
Don’t touch the strings below
Push down hard
Level 1 Progress
Strum chord with a downstroke 10 times
Strum chord with a downstroke then an upstroke 5 times
Play chord with a down, down, up, down, up rhythm
Pick each note while holding the chord – must ring clearly
Play chord then change to Am chord