Open A Minor Chord

How to play the open A minor chord on guitar for beginners. If you are looking to learn the basics of guitar chords this is a great place to start. For more chords try the Rhythm section found at or try this guitar lesson on the E minor chord – The open A minor chord is one of the most useful chords in guitar as it fits the key of C major. This means that there are no sharps or flats that can be confusing early on in learning music. Try the Am (short for A minor) with the Em and C major chord for a simple set of chords that can be used to make a song. Have fun.

Previous Lessons
Open Am Chord
  • Push down hard

  • Don’t touch the strings below

  • Don’t hit the top string

Strum chord with a downstroke 10 times

Strum chord with a downstroke then an upstroke 5 times

Play chord with a down, up, down, down rhythm

Pick each note while holding the chord – must ring clearly

Play chord then change to Em chord

Level 1 Progress