This section covers chords and strumming and is the heart of any song.
Includes the way chords and scales work and how harmony and discord are created.
Scales cover a wide variety of different scales that create the tone of a song.
Technique is the fancy slides, bends, and tricks that highlight riffs and lead sections.
Covers the basics of beats and then how to manipulate them for different sections of a song.
Lesson List
Section | Level | Name |
Scale | 0 | Open A Minor Scale |
Rhythm | 1 | Am Chord |
Rhythm | 1 | Em Chord |
Theory | 1 | A – G Notes |
Scale | 1 | Open Am Descending |
Scale | 1 | Open C Major |
Time | 1 | 1/4 Notes |
Technique | 1 | Finger Placement |
Rhythm | 2 | Changing Chords |
Rhythm | 2 | Dm Chord |
Rhythm | 2 | Strumming |
Theory | 2 | Chords |
Theory | 2 | Notation – Scales |
Theory | 2 | Tablature – Scales |
Theory | 2 | Major and Minor |
Scale | 2 | Open C – 2 Octave Ascending |
Scale | 2 | Open Am – 2 Octave Ascending |
Scale | 2 | Am Pentatonic |
Scale | 2 | Open Am Ascending and Descending |
Scale | 2 | Open Em Ascending and Descending |
Time | 2 | Beats Per Minute |
Time | 2 | 1/8 Notes |
Time | 2 | 1, 2, 3, Rest |
Technique | 2 | Finger Position |
Technique | 2 | Pull-off |
Technique | 2 | Hammer-on |
Rhythm | 3 | Fast Changing |
Rhythm | 3 | C Chord |
Rhythm | 3 | G Chord |
Rhythm | 3 | Hammer-strum |
Rhythm | 3 | Cut |
Rhythm | 3 | Emphasis |
Theory | 3 | 7th Chords |
Theory | 3 | Circle of 4ths |
Theory | 3 | Key Notation |
Scale | 3 | C Scale – A Position |
Scale | 3 | C Scale – E Position |
Scale | 3 | Am Scale – 2 Octave Descending |
Scale | 3 | Am Scale – Pentatonic 2 Octave |
Scale | 3 | Open Em Scale – 2 Octave |
Scale | 3 | Open Am – 2 Octave Ascending and Descending |
Scale | 3 | Am Scale – A Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 3 | Am Scale – E Position |
Time | 3 | Changing BPM |
Time | 3 | 1/16 Notes |
Time | 3 | Triplets |
Technique | 3 | Down and Up Picking |
Technique | 3 | Double notes |
Technique | 3 | Double Pull-off |
Technique | 3 | Double Hammer-on |
Technique | 3 | Slide – Ascending |
Technique | 3 | Slide – Descending |
Rhythm | 4 | A7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | E7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | D7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | C7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | G7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | F7th Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | F Chord |
Rhythm | 4 | Ascending Open Chords |
Rhythm | 4 | Harmonic G,C and F |
Rhythm | 4 | Flick |
Theory | 4 | 9th Chords |
Theory | 4 | 4th Chords |
Theory | 4 | Modes |
Theory | 4 | Intervals |
Scale | 4 | C Scale – E Position 2 Octave |
Scale | 4 | C Scale – C Position |
Scale | 4 | C Scale – G Position |
Scale | 4 | C Scale – D Position |
Scale | 4 | C Scale – A Position 2 Octave |
Scale | 4 | Am Scale – 3 Octave |
Scale | 4 | Am Blues Scale |
Scale | 4 | A Harmonic Minor |
Scale | 4 | Am Scale – C Poition |
Scale | 4 | Am Scale – G Position |
Scale | 4 | Am Scale – D Position |
Time | 4 | Time signature 3:4 |
Time | 4 | Patterns |
Time | 4 | Off beat |
Time | 4 | Kick and snare |
Technique | 4 | Moving strings |
Technique | 4 | Double Note Slide |
Technique | 4 | Hammer-pull-hammer |
Technique | 4 | Harmonics |
Technique | 4 | Slide-pull |
Technique | 4 | Hammer-slide |
Technique | 4 | Bend |
Technique | 4 | Vibrato |
Technique | 4 | Descending Slide-pull |
Rhythm | 5 | A4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | A9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | E4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | E9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | D4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | D9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | C4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | C9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | F4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | F9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | G4th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | G9th Chords |
Rhythm | 5 | Bar Chord – A Position |
Rhythm | 5 | Bar Chord – E Position |
Rhythm | 5 | B Chord |
Theory | 5 | 6th Chords |
Theory | 5 | Suspended and Added Chords |
Theory | 5 | Using Modes |
Theory | 5 | 5th Harmony |
Theory | 5 | Interval Harmony |
Scale | 5 | G Scale – E Position- Dominant |
Scale | 5 | C Scale – C Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | G Scale – C Position – Dominant |
Scale | 5 | C Scale – G Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | G Scale – G Position – Dominant |
Scale | 5 | G Scale – A Position – Dominant |
Scale | 5 | G Scale – D Position – Dominant |
Scale | 5 | Em Scale – 4 Octave |
Scale | 5 | Blues Extension Box |
Scale | 5 | Harmonic Minor – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | Dm Scale – C Position – Dorian |
Scale | 5 | Dm Scale – E Position – Dorian |
Scale | 5 | Am Scale – C Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | Am Scale – G Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | Dm Scale – G Position – Dorian |
Scale | 5 | Am Scale – E Position – 2 Octave |
Scale | 5 | Dm Scale – D Position – Dorian |
Scale | 5 | Dm Scale – A Position – Dorian |
Time | 5 | Pseudo 3:4 |
Time | 5 | 3:4 over 4:4 |
Time | 5 | Time signature 5:4 |
Time | 5 | Building Patterns |
Time | 5 | Resolving to the 5th |
Time | 5 | Resolving to the 3rd |
Time | 5 | Long rests |
Technique | 5 | Stretching |
Technique | 5 | Sweep |
Technique | 5 | Tapping |
Technique | 5 | Finger pick |
Technique | 5 | Pull-slide-pull |
Technique | 5 | False Harmonics |
Technique | 5 | Joining Runs |
Technique | 5 | Reverse Bend |
Technique | 5 | 1/2 Step Bend |
Technique | 5 | Up and Back down |
Technique | 5 | Broken 1/3rds – Ascending |
Rhythm | 6 | A6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | E6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | D6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | C6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | F6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | G6th Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | Bar Chord – C Position |
Rhythm | 6 | Bar Chord – G Position |
Rhythm | 6 | Small Chords |
Rhythm | 6 | C7th B7th Finger Pick Descended |
Rhythm | 6 | Thumb and Finger Picking |
Rhythm | 6 | B 1/2 Diminished Chord |
Rhythm | 6 | Finger Sweep |
Rhythm | 6 | Modal 7ths |
Rhythm | 6 | Modal patterns |
Theory | 6 | Sharp 9th Chord |
Theory | 6 | Chords with 5th from a Second Instrument |
Theory | 6 | Mode Basslines |
Theory | 6 | Harmony 3rd |
Theory | 6 | Key Change |
Theory | 6 | Intervals by Ear |
Scale | 6 | F Scale – E Position – Lydian |
Scale | 6 | F Scale – C Position – Lydian |
Scale | 6 | F Scale – G Position – Lydian |
Scale | 6 | F Scale – A Position – Lydian |
Scale | 6 | F Scale – D Position – Lydian |
Scale | 6 | Melodic Minor |
Scale | 6 | Minor Slip |
Scale | 6 | B.B. King Box |
Scale | 6 | E Phrygian Dominant |
Scale | 6 | Em Scale – C Position – Phrygian |
Scale | 6 | Em Scale – E Position – Phrygian |
Scale | 6 | Em Scale – G Position – Phrygian |
Scale | 6 | Em Scale – D Position – Phrygian |
Scale | 6 | Em Scale – A Position – Phrygian |
Scale | 6 | Diminished |
Scale | 6 | Slipping Harmonic Minor |
Scale | 6 | B Scale – C Position – Locrian |
Scale | 6 | B Scale – E Position – Locrian |
Scale | 6 | B Scale – G Position – Locrian |
Scale | 6 | B Scale – D Position – Locrian |
Scale | 6 | B Scale – A Position – Locrian |
Time | 6 | Triplet 4:4 |
Time | 6 | Poly Rhythms |
Time | 6 | 5:4 Mission Impossible |
Time | 6 | Time Signature 7:8 |
Time | 6 | Time Switching |
Time | 6 | Tweaking Patterns |
Time | 6 | Resolving to the 7th |
Time | 6 | Late Resolution |
Time | 6 | Intermittent Rests |
Time | 6 | 5 x 3 note over 4:4 |
Technique | 6 | 4 Note Arpeggio Sweep |
Technique | 6 | Hammer Tap |
Technique | 6 | Finger Picking Ascending and Descending 3 note |
Technique | 6 | Finishing 7th Slide |
Technique | 6 | Drop tuning |
Technique | 6 | Slide Guitar – Open tuning |
Technique | 6 | 7,1,6,7 descending digital pattern |
Technique | 6 | Digital Pattern – 1,2,3,1 |
Technique | 6 | Scales from the 4th mode |
Technique | 6 | Scales from the 5th mode |
Technique | 6 | Open tuning – E minor |
Technique | 6 | Open Tuning – B minor |