Music is an art. There is no correct way to do art but there is most certainly skill that can be developed. What this site is about is developing your skills. These are fundamental building blocks that allow you the freedom to create whatever you want.
Much like how artists paint with a style, music is played with style. Learning through this site is like learning how to do different brush strokes, mix colours, use different mediums. We learn the parts that make the whole. And you develop the picture. You should still learn other artists songs – it is like trying to copy a painting, it never will quite look the same but can still be amazing and you will learn a lot. Developing your own style is the main point of this site. Build your skills, learn, experiment, and have fun.
As for how to approach lessons you should have a look through them to see what level you are at – most likely a mix of different levels in different sections (If your are a beginner you should start at Scale Level 1 – Open A minor scale). From there its really up to you. Get lost in a section or do everything in a single level – it doesn’t matter. You can totally ignore a section and only do another. You could look at some of the combined skills and work towards them. Or just follow the links from one lesson to the next. All the lessons are made like Lego bricks – it is how you combine them that makes real music.
As far as practice goes you should practice each lesson 7 different ways. This means applying the lesson to different pieces of music. Practicing it on its own and with the provided backing track will count for 2 ways – then you should try 5 other pieces to really understand it. For example if you learnt the A minor scale ascending you would practice playing it on its own, then over the backing track, then with 5 other songs in A minor. This will give you a feel for how it is used and where it fits in with other music. To find the music just search some of your favourite bands songs in A minor and see what comes up. You should also do 7 practice sessions per lesson (your brain will retain knowledge better if you do the following):
- Straight away
- Later that day
- Right before bed
- The next day
- Later in the week
- 1 week later
- 2 weeks later
Just remember the practice sessions don’t need to be long – you could also mix it up with different backing songs each time. Things could start to get a bit hectic to keep track of if you do a heap of lessons. If you want a program laid out have a look at these options. We can also offer zoom lessons if you want a private lesson – no website will ever be better than a good music teacher.