Finger Position
Finger position on guitar is important to get right if you want to play fast. This lesson shows you how to place you fingers for scales so that you can easily play notes at speed. The real trick here is using a finger for each fret so you are not moving back and forth all the time with your first and second finger. It is natural to want to use those fingers as they are stronger and respond better, however, you should really practice and build coordination in your third and fourth fingers so that you can play more complex chords and move quickly through scales. I think the earlier you learn this technique the better. As always there is some supporting material found at I recommend practicing this with every scale you learn until it becomes a unconscious habit – it takes effort but will pay off down the track.
Backing Track – Chord changes (Am, Em) (Am, Dm)
Use the tips of your fingers
Set up your chords by choosing which fingers to use in a riff
Use 1 finger per fret – including little finger.
Level 2 Progress
Play a Em chord picking each note followed by a Dm chord picking each note
Play through the Am scale (2 Octave) using your 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers 5 times
Play a riff using the Am pentatonic that finishes with an Am chord using the correct fingers
Play through the Am scale (2 octave ascending and descending) without watching your fingers
Play the Em chord using your 2nd and 3rd fingers then the Am chord using your 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers. Switch back and forth 5 times.