Open Am – 2 Octave Ascending

Getting up the guitar fretboard with the second octave of the A minor scale opens up a whole lot of new opportunities for lead. Take this lesson then go find a song in A minor to solo over. Mix the soloing with some solid practice to a metronome and you will be using this scale as a standard go to for everything. It also helps track the notes on the higher stings as A minor is a straight A, B, C, D, E, F, G – no sharps or flats. So say you need to find a Db you can run up the Am scale and find your D, then drop back one to the D flat. Checkout the support material and backing track found at and move straight into the ascending and descending or the 2 octave descending

  • Use the tips of your fingers

  • Practice with a metronome

  • Push down hard

Level 2 Progress             

Play through scale 5 times correctly at 60, 90 and 120 BPM (1/4 Notes)

Play through scale at 100 BPM in 8th notes 3 times in a row with no mistakes

Come up with a melody from the scale while the backing track is playing

Play through at 140 BPM in 8th notes with no mistakes

Find a song in A minor and play the scale over it creating melodies