Open C Major Scale
This is the king of scales, the C Major Scale. It is a reference point for all other scales and is considered to have no sharps or flats (confusing hashs # and little b’s). Playing the C major scale on guitar is not too hard and gives you a happy tone that you can use for lifting songs. The C major also gives you a good base to link to other instruments – C major scale is the white keys on the piano. Give this lesson a go and checkout the fretboard images and backing track. We will often refer back to this scale for others by referring to one of the notes as flat or sharp e.g. The dominant scale has a flat 7th. This means take the 7th note in the major scale and drop it back 1 fret. The important thing is you need to know this scale first for all the rest to make any sense at all.
Backing Track -C, Em, G progression
Use the tips of your fingers
Dont hit the top string
Push down hard
Level 1 Progress
Play through scale 7 times correctly at any speed
Play through scale with no mistakes3 times in a row
Play through scale while the backing track is playing
Play through scale without watching your fingers
Find a song in C major and play the scale over it