Changing Chords

Changing chords on guitar looks like some kind of wizardry when you watch it. How do you do it and not trip over your own fingers and hit notes that you didn’t even know existed? Honestly its a heap of practice and a few little tricks. So you might as well learn the tricks! This lesson goes through how to move between a few common chords but with some principles that work for all chords – choosing which fingers to put down first, checking what note is in both chords, strumming the top strings first while getting the rest of your fingers in place. With most of the 7 minute music lessons it requires you to experiment with what you have learnt, so take the chords you know and try getting some clean quick changes with them. Then go have a look at a song you have learnt (I know we don’t do songs here but you should still learn them). What chord changes does it have? Are you struggling with some? Can you use one of the tricks to make it easier? If all else fails just slow your whole song right down and keep your chord changes even until you are getting it right – then speed it up. Speaking of that you can have a look at to get some real speed on.

Previous Lessons
  • Think about which fingers to use in a chord

  • Leave fingers down that are in both chords

  • Ready spare fingers for the change

Level 2 Progress             

Switch between Am and Em with a down, down, down, up, down rhythm.

Change from Dm to Am with a down, up, down rhythm.

Change from Em to Am then Dm with a slow down, down, up rhythm.

Change from Dm to Em and back with a down, up, down, down rhythm.

Switch from Am to C Major to Em with a down, down, up rhythm.