Time Level 6

Triplet 4:4

As easy as 1,2,3

Triplets are tricky. It is very easy to play 2 quarters and a half and think that you are doing it right (your not). You need to stretch out your notes evenly. Go to lesson.

Poly Rhythms

What is going on?

A poly rhythm is like when you made a mess in the kitchen but it looks like an artwork. Multiple rhythms slip in and out of sync creating a picasso of sound. Go to lesson.

5:4 Mission Impossible

Duh Duh Daa Daa

Who knew 5:4 could be so fun. This uses dotted notes to stretch 2 quarters out (3/8’s to be technical) so its a 4 note rhythm in a 5:4 timming. Go to lesson.

Time Signature 7:8

Whats the 8 mean?

Depending on how your music is aranged you may like to use a differnt time signature such as 7:8. The eight means you count in eighth notes instead of quarters. Go to lesson.

Time Switching

Did something change?

Jumping between times is tricky and can really derail a song. Less is more in this case where a subtle change can really bring your songs to life. Go to lesson.

Tweaking Patterns

Slipping patterns into lead

Tweaking a pattern into a amazing run is awesome. Starting with a digital pattern as a back bone you use changes in the pattern and key notes to tell a story with your melody. Go to lesson.

Resolving to the 7th

Almost there

Reolving to a 7th is like standing in a doorway trying to decide if you are going in or not. Being so close to the root note leaves heaps of tension in a melody. Go to lesson.

Late Resolution

Too late

A late resolution leaves the rhythm playing and the audience hanging for that final note. Don’t over do it though or you will lose the songs feel. Go to lesson.

Intermittent Rests

Confusing the brain

Putting in a rest when people are familiar with a rhythym will make them fill in the gap with their mind. It is a great trick but make sure it actually makes the song better. Go to lesson.

5 x 3 note over 4:4

Flipping the beat

This is a bizzare time mixture that puts 15 notes over 16 notes. This means the acent of a drum beat will change where it sits in the melody. Go to lesson.