Scale Level 6
F Scale – E Position – Lydian
The Lydian mode has a sharp 4th in it which gives it a really spacy feel – which is odd considering its one of the most discordant notes there is. Go to lesson.
F Scale – C Position – Lydian
Odd arpeggios
If you did the standard arpeggio for the Lydian it would be exactly like the major. So lets use the sharp 4th instead – 1, 3, #4, 5, 7. Go to lesson.
F Scale – G Position – Lydian
2 octaves of Lydian
Soloing in this scale is bizzare to say the least but it can be really awesome to use. Try finding some small chords that include the #4. Go to lesson.
F Scale – A Position – Lydian
Simpsons theme
Move this scale to the key of C and have a go at working out the theme tune for the simpsons – this scale is used for many cartoons. Go to lesson.
F Scale – D Position – Lydian
High end arpeggio
The higher octave of the Lydian sounds great with the tweaked arpeggio – use it when soloing using the modes. Go to lesson.
Minor Slip
Swapping scales
When using the minor pentatonic you can ‘slip’ into a variety of the modes. This will give you a few notes that can be used to cause tension. Go to lesson.
B.B. King Box
A little key change
The B.B. King box is named for one of the great blues guitarists who would slide up 2 frets and play some magic riffs that hit notes outside of the scale. Go to lesson.
E Phrygian Dominant
Mode of the Harmonic minor
I love this scale. It has an incredibly fun format and the flat 2nd with a natural 3rd is amazing. It is the Phyrigian mode of the harmonic minor. Have fun. Go to lesson.
Em Scale – C Position – Phrygian
Try the 9th chord
The Phyrigian scale is great – but the arpeggios and chords that it makes are just amazing. Try slipping a quick arpeggio in between chords. Go to lesson.
Em Scale – E Position – Phrygian
Speed demon
This is a very easy scale to play the first octave of and can be used for some super fast riffs that sound amazing. try some double picking and fast arpeggios. Go to lesson.
Em Scale – G Position – Phrygian
So simple but so good
This hardly feels like a level 6 scale but when you ramp up the speed you can get some really great feeling from this position. Go to lesson.
Em Scale – D Position – Phrygian
Love the top end
This position has an amazing slide from the root to the 3rd using your 3rd finger followed by a 3 note sweep then hitting the flat 9th and back down. Go to lesson.
Em Scale – A Position – Phrygian
Filling out the Phyrigian
Check the 2 octave arpeggio on this and you can get a bit creative with a 4 note arpeggio sweep from the 9th of the 2nd octave. Go to lesson.
Dark and dischordant
The diminished scale cuts the fretboard up with a simple pattern of 2 frets, 1 fret. This is just repeated over again. Great if you want a truely differnt sound. Go to lesson.
Slipping Harmonic Minor
Changing scale
Changing your scale is hard to do at the right time but with a bit of practice you can slip into and out of the harmonic minor easily. Go to lesson.
B Scale – C Position – Locrian
The 7th mode
With 5 flats this is a very dischordant mode that lends itself to metal. Its also a great part of jazz and can be subtly used in all sorts of genres. Go to lesson.
B Scale – E Position – Locrian
Arpeggio of doom!
The flat 5th in this arpeggio is just so much fun to play – try switching between your Phyrigian and then to the Locrian to see the difference it makes. Go to lesson.
B Scale – G Position – Locrian
2 octaves of Locrian
Try running this on over the full 2 oactaves with arpeggio – it sounds great and has a really nice arpeggio that once nailed is fun to play. Go to lesson.
B Scale – D Position – Locrian
Symetrical darkness
Crank up the distortion and high end and go to town on this one. If you need a really dark high end lead solo this is the scale for you. Go to lesson.
B Scale – A Position – Locrian
Is that all the scales...
This is a great scale if you are going to totally solo in the Locrian mode. It has options for runs, slides, pull-offs, hammer-ons and sweeps. Enjoy. Go to lesson.