602, 2023

Free Online Guitar Lessons for a Month for sign ups in Feburary

By |February 6, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Get a Month Free Online Guitar Lessons with 7 Minute Music. If you sign up for a Monthly or Yearly plan use the code FREEFEB23 at the checkout to get the first month of free online guitar lessons. And there is no lock in so you can simply let it lapse if you don't want to continue. That means no upfront costs - a totally free month - awesome hey. (Note: check the auto renewal setting is off on sign up or you will be billed at the start of the second month). Join here. This offer is valid for sign ups in the month of February 2023 only - offer expires 1/3/2023

801, 2023

Learn how to use online guitar lessons to write a song: Part 1 – Breaking down a song

By |January 8, 2023|Categories: Song writing|Tags: , |0 Comments

Learn how to use online guitar lessons to write a song: Part 1 - Breaking down a song Online guitar lessons are a bit hit and miss - lots of sites and channels just have lessons on how to play other peoples songs and a few tricks to help you along. Looking at the top online lessons they all take you through the basics along with a few chords that get you started. A few will have some excellent starter packs to get you playing but not really ever take you into writing your own music. So this series is trying to change that. We want new creators. Don't get me wrong, learning other peoples songs is great to see what they have done, but without writing your own music you will always just be a copy. Dive in and start making music. Introduction Verse Chorus Bridge Outro Part 1: Breaking down a song Song used for analysis - So hard to breath What we will do in this lesson is break down a freshly written song. This song has elements that have been taken directly from the guitar lessons on this site ( You may have heard the names of song structure elements before - verse, chorus, etc - these are the larger elements that we will construct using the component lessons. These include online guitar lessons from various different levels to give you a good overview of the different tools you have available. Future lessons on this series will bring things back down to concepts based on just 1 or two levels to let you work your way up to writing complex songs. Think of this as a showcase of what you can do [...]

2012, 2022

5 Tips for starting to learn guitar

By |December 20, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

5 Tips for starting to learn guitar: beginners short guide for 2023 Learning the guitar is an amazing experience. Beginner guitarists are now left with too many options for how to start. There are no the best ways to learn guitar as its just too personal a journey. It doesn't matter if you want to learn how to play acoustic guitar, or you want to learn electric guitar. And you will see later my argument as to why there are no best songs to learn guitar. These tips help a little bit in spelling out the essential things you should learn when first starting learning guitar. Some might seem obvious but read on for a little bit more depth into why you should do each of these things. Also, if you are wondering why I am telling you all this have a look at who I am here. Contents 1. Learn the string names 2. Tune the guitar 3. Don’t just learn songs 4. Hold the guitar properly 5. Learn the language Beginner Learn Guitar Tip 1: Learn the names of the guitar strings This is the first thing – you must know where to put your fingers if you want to sound any good. There are some annoying things with guitar that can make it really confusing first up – people use different names for the strings. So… strings are tuned to notes. These notes are how we name the strings. The E-string is the Note E when played (with nothing pressed down). But there are two E-strings right? Here is the main thing that confuses people – the High E-string is on the bottom of [...]

905, 2022

Welcome to 7 minute music

By |May 9, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Welcome to 7 minute music. This website is designed for users to explore and interact so make sure you have a look throught the forums and libraries as well as dropping a comment in on the oscial media platform of your choice.

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