Open A Minor Scale

Open A minor scale is the first video in 7 minute music’s guitar lessons. This scale teaches you how to play a musical scale on the guitar moving between the strings. This lesson forms the basis for a lot of the theory in the program and is used throughout the whole course.  Learning the A minor scale will help you navigate your first steps on the guitar and give you a great tool to play along with any music in the key of Am (search for “songs in the key of Am” and then practice over the top of them).

Open A minor scale on guitar
  • Push in the middle of the fret

  • push with the tip of your finger

  • Don’t hit the top string

Level 1 Progress             

Play through scale 5 times correctly at any speed

Play through scale as fast as you can with no mistakes

Play through scale while the backing track is playing

Play through scale without watching your fingers

Find a song in A minor and play the scale over it