Rhythm Level 4
A7th Chords
Open up chord options
A7ths give you an a fresh set of chords to use in your rhythm. A7th chords are really easy to play and switching between them is simple. Go to lesson.
E7th Chords
A few tweaks
E7ths brings a new style of chord that skips the A string and a really funky E dominant 7th that can be thrown into chord progressions easily. Go to lesson.
D7th Chords
High end beauty
D7ths use the bottom strings to add a rich treble to your rhythm. Contrast them with the E7ths to go from a bass to treble in a chord progression. Go to lesson.
C7th Chords
Finding 7ths
Finding differnt options for how you play a 7th is an excellent skill learnt in this lesson. You can tweak you songs by adding lower or higher 7th notes. Go to lesson.
G7th Chords
Building chords
Stacking 3rds and 5ths can create some interesting versions of a 7th that give you options to colour your rhythm in different ways. Go to lesson.
F7th Chords
Easier than F
Once you use F Major 7th you will likely substitute it for F Major on many occasions. It is certainly easier. Go to lesson.
F7th Chords
Easier than F
Once you use F Major 7th you will likely substitute it for F Major on many occasions. It is certainly easier. Go to lesson.
F Chords
The first moveable chord
F chords are the first chords which are not open. This means that each string played is pushed down by a finger and you can move it into different spots to get other chords. Go to lesson.
Ascending Open Chords
Moving open chords
With a little bit of trial and error you will find some great spots to move an open chord that gives an amazing lift to a song. Go to lesson.
Harmonic G,C and F
Keeping a few notes the same
These chords all have the same 2 notes held down that link them together. A7 and D7 are thrown in for good measure. Go to lesson.
Changing how you strum
The Flick runs down each string with each finger on the strumming hand which gives a vibrant flamenco sound which can be used in many differnt ways. Go to lesson.