Technique is like the unique language of guitar – bends, slides, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs. It is what makes guitar so much fun to play. There is nothing quite like squealing a bend out high up on the neck, or ripping out a series of hammer-ons, slides and pull-offs descending a scale. This is where legends are made – Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn to list a few. Listen to them and breath in their techniques. Learn the skills here then see how others use them. There is no limit to what can be done.
How you place your fingers is the basis for where you can move and getting a decent sound from your guitar.
Focusing on good finger placement will allow to use the techniques hammer-on and pull-off – tapping and releasing the strings.
Introduction of double note techniques, sliding and the all important down an up picking technique.
This level starts to mix together some techniques as well as introduce bends, vibrato and how to change strings while down up picking.
A huge level that develops many earlier techniques into advanced forms such as tapping and sweeps. Also the first digital patterns come in with broken thirds.
Getting into some serious tricks here with finger picking runs, 4 note sweeps, open tuning and more. Digital patterns start to get awesome here too.